And we'll all get lost together; Until the light comes pouring through

Since the pilot episode first aired back in 2004, I've totally been hooked on Lost. I was on all of the boards, rewatching episodes frame by frame and just pulling my hair in confusion during the first 2 seasons. Yes, I've calmed down about it all, and I've just been enjoying it more as many of my friends have also become big fanatics. Though, I still seem to get countless texts as new episodes air, asking who someone is, how they're related to one another, where we've seen them before, etc. But it's all in good fun.

So, to gear up for the upcoming final season premiere, here's a fun video I found. It's 5 seasons of Lost in 5 minutes. Let the excitement begin.

Side note: Despite the mind-bending story lines, wonderful scenery and large budget, it's super pathetic to see that they can't alter a background image of clouds properly. Clone-tool much?!

*Lost; Michael Buble

In the moonlight their scars flash like jewelry; Get too precious, get locked up in a cage

Can't say that I'm the biggest Nicolas Cage fan, though I do enjoy most movies that he's in. Weird, I know. Regardless, he remains very popular with some.

For a whole lot more, visit Nic Cage As Everyone. I quite enjoy these.

*Reptiles; Them Crooked Vultures

Tender lumplings everywhere; Life's no fun without a good scare

Do you enjoy Tim Burton?
How about the Museum of Modern Art?!
Well then SUCK ON THIS!

Warning: Much time will be spent admiring his work

*This Is Halloween; Danny Elfman

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