Come together now; Yeah, let's gel

I've never been a big advocate for putting stickers on my electronics. I just figured that I'd grow old of it very fast and surely regret it as I'd never be able to scrape off all of the glue. But as many of my opinions have changed over the years, thank you technology, I am all for this stuff. Presenting GelaSkins.

GelaSkins are these custom covers that you can put on to protect your electronics, but also don't look like 2 dollar off-the-rack purchases. They are also removable.

NYC | eBoy

They make these for a ton of varieties of cell phones, gaming consoles and accessories, Apple laptops, iPods and even Kindles. There's a whole bunch of designers that have their work submitted, which is how I found out about this marvelous art. A few of the artists run in the same circles as Gallery 1988. Anyways, here's some of my favorites:

The Life Tree | Anthony Hurd

Underworld | Colin Thompson

Anatomie | Jason Freeny

Boombox II | Lyle Owerko

Tres | Alberto Cerriteno

The Enamored Whale | Alberto Cerriteno

*Gel; Collective Soul

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