Big ole pile a them bones

Creative ways that people go to raise money can be fun and unique. A group called 823KeyProject was put together to raise money for musicians, writers, painters, photographers, artists, etc. Simply put, they're selling keys.

823KeyProject is selling off 823 keys. They are one of a kind keys ranging in date from 1830 to 1940. For every key that is sold, the money is put into a fund. Once the 823rd key is sold, all of the money raised ($60 000 or so) is given to an artist in form of a grant. Then is all starts over again. They're looking to sell a total 0f 21 398 keys, or 823 for every letter in the alphabet.

This could be a very unique gift for someone you know, as no two keys are the same.

*Them Bones; Alice In Chains

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1 Response to "Big ole pile a them bones"

  1. jessica says:

    Oh cool! I love this! I want one.

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