Hail, hail the lucky ones; I refer to those in love, yeah

After not re-signing with their record label, Pearl Jam's been on their own for the past few months. I think it's doing them good. They're playing shows of their choice, both in concert for as well as the TV variety, including Conan O'Brien's Tonight Show debut.
Earlier this week they posted a wonderful promotional video on their MySpace page for their Backspacer album, coming out September 20th. I think it's a wonderful insight on the album, told straight from the band. There's also previews of a couple new songs, as well as their single, The Fixer. I just feel as though this wouldn't of been made if not for their newly acquired independent label status. Kudos to the boys. This album is gonna be awesome.
*Hail, Hail; Pearl Jam
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