Late at night you can hear the sound

I was one of the lucky people to see Arcade Fire play here in Winnipeg back in 2005. I paid $20 for something that I would now pay $100 for. I knew very little about them going in, but they easily won me over right away. I've never been to such a high-octane show before. I was also then introduced to much loved Wolf Parade and Bell Orchestre. It was awesome.Their 3rd album comes out sometime in the mid - to - late year and they just came out with a teaser for their first single Suburbs as well as it's b-side Month of May. I wouldn't really call this a teaser more as a crumb of a teaser. Click play to enjoy and the song names to switch tracks.
I remember in 2007 when my beloved Foo Fighters covered them. It just melded worlds of awesome together. Good on ya boys!
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