Did he create just me in his image; Or every living thing?

With suburbia seeming to have the inevitable snowball effect of not being able to stop, it feels as though it's getting more rare to see buildings that have a unique or even an inspired look to them. It really sucks. Buildings just seem to be blending together more and more, simply resulting in them all being a sight for sore eyes.
Here's something that most likely doesn't get brought up into conversation when one's discussing odd architecture. Churches. Yep. There are most certainly some creative ones, be it design or just its location. Here's a few of my favorites that I've come upon.
The Church of St. George, Ethiopia
Only 25 x 25 x 30m and built in the early 13th century. Has generally been consider to be the '8th Wonder Of The World'
Only 25 x 25 x 30m and built in the early 13th century. Has generally been consider to be the '8th Wonder Of The World'

The Salt Cathedral of Zipaquira, Colombia
Built underground in a tunnel 200m inside of a salt mountain.

Built underground in a tunnel 200m inside of a salt mountain.

the Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia, Spain
Construction started in 1882. It is still being built. They expect to complete the project in 2026, on the 100th anniversary of the original designer's death.

Saint Michel d'Aiguilhe, France
Built in 962. It's been standing for 1047 years! Just absolutely gorgeous.

Las Lajas Cathedral, Colombia
Built from 1916 to 1949 with donations from the churchgoers

*When God Made Me; Neil Young
Awww my favorite song. At least in my top 5 of all time.
It just seemed fitting!