Thank you to the Hollywood Foreign Press...

... for not giving out an award to Benjamin Button last night. Really. It made my night.
I'm not a huge fan of award shows, because I just generally don't agree with many of the winners. Yes, some certainly deserve it, but not necessarily more then others. At last night's Golden Moldies, it was obviously nice to see the 'less popular' and 'not-star-ridden' works be recognized. And it was nice to see Button not win in the major categories.
I may have just gotten caught in the hype of the film, but I was really disappointed after seeing it.
The Good:
The idea. I love it. Thank you to F. Scott Fitzgerald for that one. I wish someone will work with this idea with a much larger mass.
The compositions and lighting were beautiful. It immensely helped tell the story. By far one of the easiest films to look at.
The make-up was obviously outstanding, on Brad's part at least.
I also loved the lightning. It just helped the movie push through at times. And was hilarious.
The Bad:
The actual story ruined this whole movie for me. Other then the simple difference that a character had a condition similar to Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome, nothing special happened. He fell in love. He fell out of love. He went on adventures. People close to him died. I found it to be just your typical story. When you compare it to other movies somewhat resembling it, like Big Fish or Forest Gump, you find yourself surrounded by a certain lack of depth, and cleverness.
The Sickening:
The whole 'Titanic-old woman dying-young people around her' element. There wasn't a surprise to it, and served absolutely no purpose to me, other then allowing for time to pass in the Benjamin story, and to just waste more time. It really angered me.
In all fairness, I'd still recommend this movie. I just can't see why or how so many critic's and average people had put it in their 'Top 10's' of the year. Well, maybe they only got out to see Bolt.
Oh! Speaking of which. Thank you to the Hollywood Foreign Press for not voting in favour of Miley Cyrus' song to win whatever it was nominated for. Hopefully next year she rightfully won't be nominated though. We want more Klaus Badelt!
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