Guess it's over now; I seem alive somehow

Day Nine probably doesn't really count as part of the trip. It was just a travel day. Not much to write about...
We got up super early, caught a cab and went down to the train station. After a bit of waiting around, we boarded and started the trek back. It was nice though. The sun was out, everything was blue or green and you could see the mountains. It was a very relaxing ride back to Vancouver.
Our only 'nervous' moment was when we were waiting to go through customs at the train station. They didn't have any real security there. There wasn't an x-ray machine or a body scanner, but they did have a drug dog. Now, this was a little scary, because we had bought a tons of varieties of spices earlier on the trip, and they were in one of our suitcases. It's not that it's illegal or anything, it's just the explaining and trying to prove it's a spice. Fortunately, nothing happened. The dog just sniffed around. I guess they have really good training.
We caught another cab to the airport. It was smoldering hot in the cab, and unfortunately it must have been a good 20 minute ride.
We checked in, grabbed some food, took advantage of the free internet in the terminals, and got on our flight. We had an extremely short flight to Calgary, maybe 60 minutes long, and then we had another hour lay-over until another flight to Winnipeg. It was nice though, with the regular 3-hour flight broken-up. It was a fairly mellow day, but it usual is when one travels. Nothing like an 11-hour traveling period.
The trip is officially over.
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