It's been a long time since I did the stroll

It has dawned upon me that I haven't updated in a little while...
One of things that's been keeping me busy is the wonderfully insightful Alan Cross. He's got his own radio show broadcast out of Toronto, and parts get picked up here in Winnipeg. I absolutely love his segments called 'The Ongoing History of New Music'. I remember listening to these back in high school, and I still love them. It's a weekly one-hour special where he'll indulge listeners in different topics, ranging from anything from 'Medical Matters & Mysteries Of Music' to 'How To Talk Like A Rock Star Snob'.
I suppose the big draw to me is the fact that I just love learning about the history of people. I could watch a biography on just about anybody, and it'd keep me entertained. I highly recommend getting your hands on some of his stuff and giving it a listen. He's also written a couple books about some of the topics he's covered.
nice 1 Mikey !